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Northwest alumna Karen 丹尼尔, on 1月. 17, 宣布了她为支持黑人学生攻读大学学位而设立的三项奖学金的首批获得者. Left to right are 丹尼尔 and the scholarship recipients, 达伦·罗斯, Carlyn Carpenter和Omolade Mayowa.

Northwest alumna Karen 丹尼尔, on 1月. 17, 宣布了她为支持黑人学生攻读大学学位而设立的三项奖学金的首批获得者. Left to right are 丹尼尔 and the scholarship recipients, 达伦·罗斯, Carlyn Carpenter和Omolade Mayowa.

1月. 28, 2022

Three students named inaugural scholarship recipients through Karen L. 丹尼尔遗产基金

A 威尼斯人在线 alumna on 1月. 17 announced the inaugural recipients of three scholarships she established, 每个价值250美元,000, to support Black students in the pursuit of their college degrees.

卡伦·L. 丹尼尔遗产基金, 由丹尼尔于2020年通过西北基金会建立,以支持威尼斯人在线提高黑人学生学术和社会经验的目标她被授予爱丽丝L. 康明斯未来教育家奖学金 to Carlyn Carpenter, a junior early childhood education major from Kansas City, 密苏里州; the Dr. Leslie K Doyle Leadership Scholarship to Mayowa Omolade, a junior international business major from Lagos, Nigeria; and the Claudean V. 丹尼尔开拓者奖学金 达伦·罗斯, a sophomore computer science major from St. 路易.

Karen 丹尼尔 gave the keynote address at Northwest’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. 一天 和平的午餐 and recounted the words of her mother on the day of King’s assassination.

Karen 丹尼尔 gave the keynote address at Northwest’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. 一天 和平的午餐 and recounted the words of her mother on the day of King’s assassination.

The scholarships are named for 丹尼尔’s grandmother, niece and mother, respectively.

“如果我这辈子什么都不做的话, 能够表彰以他们的名字命名的三个人将是我最大的荣誉, because my journey has always been about honor, 机会和回报,丹尼尔在威尼斯人在线一年一度的马丁·路德·金大会上发表主题演讲时谈到了奖学金. 一天 和平的午餐.

在她的演讲中, 丹尼尔, who graduated from Northwest in 1980 with her bachelor’s degree in accounting, 反思了她帮助学生完成高等教育旅程的动机,并鼓励他们有意识地领导与金梦想一致的变革. 丹尼尔讲述了马丁·路德·金遇刺的故事,以及她从母亲在那个决定命运的日子里所说的话中获得的灵感.

“She said this man gave his very life for you, 当机会降临时, you must seize those opportunities from an educational perspective, from community involvement perspective, and ultimately create opportunities for those who follow,丹尼尔说. “I’ve always been committed to try to fulfill that dream.”

丹尼尔 retired in 2018 as the chief financial officer at Black & Veatch, a global engineering and construction company based in Overland Park, Kansas. 她于1999年被任命为该角色, 他于2006年加入公司董事会,并担任公司全球金融和技术解决方案部总裁.

另外, she serves on numerous public and philanthropic boards in Kansas City, 密苏里州, 及以后. In 2016, 她被董事会一致推选为大堪萨斯城商会的第一位非洲裔主席. She also is a member of the Board of Directors of Snap-on Tools, Teladoc健康, 巨人鹰和商业银行, the Kansas City Royals ownership group, 她还是前总统奥巴马的非洲经商咨询委员会的副主席. 她还曾担任Northwest的董事会和Northwest Foundation董事会成员.

Details about each of the scholarships are provided below.

For more information about supporting the Karen L. 丹尼尔遗产基金 or making other contributions to the Northwest Foundation, contact the Office of University Advancement at 660.562.1248或浏览 2msf.ligalocalvaldepenas.com/GiveOnline.

Alyce L. 康明斯未来教育家奖学金

该奖学金以爱丽丝·L·琼斯的名字命名. Cummins, Karen 丹尼尔’s grandmother who recognized the importance of education. 作为一个年轻女子, Cummins attended college to become an educator, but the Great Depression interrupted her path. 40多岁, 她以一名非传统学生的身份回到大学,最终实现了她当二年级老师的梦想.

该奖学金每年颁发给一名即将入学或继续就读威尼斯人在线的全日制学生,金额为6美元,以确保奖学金获得者在威尼斯人在线的大学生涯期间的学杂费都能得到支付. 获奖者必须是在教育学院申报专业的黑人学生,成绩至少达到3分.0 high school GPA as an incoming student or at least a 3.作为威尼斯人在线的学生,平均绩点为0. 接受者也将根据一篇论述为什么教育是改变游戏规则的文章的强度来选择, 他们是如何被激励成为一名教师的?他们最喜欢的老师是如何帮助他们脱颖而出的.

Carlyn Carpenter received the scholarship for 2022-2023. In her essay, Carpenter described her aspirations to become a teacher and the traits of 灵活性, 通过与有影响力的高中和大学教育者的合作,她将激情和开放的思想融入到她的实践中. After completing her bachelor’s degree at Northwest, she hopes to attain a master’s degree in business management with intentions of operating a childcare center and non-profit tutoring program.

“Education is truly a game changer because it is a power anyone can uphold, and once someone learns no one can deprive them of that knowledge,她写道。. “教育不仅是游戏规则的改变者,因为它拥有的力量,还因为当它与你的兴趣相结合时,它会对你的生活产生影响。. Once strengths are developed and are applied to interests, a grand outcome arises. 制定了新的决议, 找到了治疗方法, 一个创新的设计被创造出来, the results are full of endless possibilities.”

Claudean V. 丹尼尔开拓者奖学金

The scholarship is named for Claudean V. 丹尼尔, Karen 丹尼尔’s mother whom she describes as a beacon of hope in overcoming adversity. She raised her five children to be self-sufficient while supporting each other. 作为一名自学成才的会计师,她是职业生涯的开拓者,也是受人尊敬的职场主管和领导者.

该奖学金每年颁发给一名即将入学或继续就读威尼斯人在线的全日制学生,金额为6美元,以确保奖学金获得者在威尼斯人在线的大学生涯期间的学杂费都能得到支付. 获奖者必须是黑人学生,必须是其直系亲属中第一个进入四年制学院或大学的学生,并且必须至少获得3分.0 high school GPA as an incoming student or at least a 2.我是威尼斯人在线的学生,平均绩点75. 获奖者也将根据一篇文章的实力来选择,这篇文章阐述了他们为什么受到启发而获得四年制大学学位, 他们在获得大学学位的过程中是如何克服逆境的?他们将如何为他人的生活带来积极的影响.

达伦·罗斯 received the scholarship for 2022-2023. 在他的文章中, 他描述了自己在努力完成大学学位的过程中,从家庭和年轻黑人的经历中汲取灵感. 罗斯写道,作为家里第一个大学毕业的人,他很想树立一个榜样,证明自己在计算机科学领域的能力, which is comprised of a mostly white workforce.

“My education was important to me ever since I started in school,” Ross wrote. “It was the motivation I needed to avoid street life and further myself. Such situations shouldn’t be a downfall, but rather an uplifting push. 我参与了各个学校的多元化和包容性团队,这也表明了我对一个统一的社区有多关心.”

Dr. Leslie K Doyle Leadership Scholarship

The scholarship is named for Karen 丹尼尔’s niece, Dr. Leslie K Doyle, a 1997 Northwest alumna, servant leader and equity-minded educator. She is known for her ability to relate to and advise underserved and underrepresented students. 她对教育公平的承诺使全国无数的学生也有效地承担了促进多样性的责任, 公平与包容. The scholarship is designed to develop leaders for generations to come.

该奖学金每年颁发给一名即将入学或继续就读威尼斯人在线的全日制学生,金额为5美元,000 per semester to cover all tuition and fees. The recipient shall be a Black student with at least a 3.0 high school GPA as an incoming student or at least a 3.作为威尼斯人在线的学生,平均绩点为0. 收件人也将根据一篇文章的力量来选择,说明为什么领导在他们的旅程中很重要, 他们如何在他们的社区或学校领导推进种族平等,他们的遗产将包括对威尼斯人在线的影响.

Omolade Mayowa received the scholarship for 2022-2023. 在他的文章中, Mayowa described his own leadership experiences and involvement in Northwest organizations, such as the International Student Organization, Alpha Phi Alpha兄弟会公司. and Minority Men’s Organization, for which he served as social chair. 他描述了拥有给他灌输信心的导师的重要性,以及与来自不同背景的人接触的重要性,这些人使他能够倡导宽容与和平. Mayowa wrote that he desires to be a change agent by demonstrating caring, considerate and effective leadership.

“Unity in diversity is the catalyst through which productivity is achieved in the community,他写道. “As our races are different, so are our cultures. 我已经能够帮助创建一个途径,让来自不同行业的学生能够相互联系和支持,这样威尼斯人在线都能够在学术和课外活动中取得成功. 每一种文化都有值得威尼斯人在线学习的东西,威尼斯人在线唯一可以相互学习的方法就是尽管威尼斯人在线存在差异,但要宽容,并欣赏每个人都有自己的长处.”


Dr. 马克Hornickel

